
World of warships asian server meme
World of warships asian server meme

world of warships asian server meme

WoWS is a FTP game, in such games there are always going to be bots of somekind. The fundamental thing in all of this though is attitude. WG aren't particularly vocal about it but they have been better and more frequent with their ban waves and bot/cheat solutions since 2019. Now, 2-3 at most, usually 1 or less with the occasional outlying game. Their population is also very low these days compared to around 4 years ago.Ĥ years ago at my time of the morning, T9 MM, you'd see between 4-8 per side. It still doesn't change the fact that they're useless at range, have basic DCP scripts and are thus XP farms. I even used to document the numbers you'd see at severe off-peak times as that's often the only time I get to play, before work at quiet early times.

world of warships asian server meme

(Look at my number of battles - I'm no rookie) Usually in morning you will meet random same pattern letter in player IGN spamming same ship Aimbot + script for farming exp, let the cursor moving toward the Aimbot.

World of warships asian server meme